Senka Anastasova
Aesthetics and Political Philosophy of Fem Film Documentaries

Senka Anastasova is an international philosopher, author of the new book Political Narratosophy: From Theory of Narration to Politics of Imaginationy (Routledge, 2023), in pre-order now. She holds the position of full-time professor of Aesthetics and Political Philosophy at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and is also a visiting academic at the University of California Berkeley, USA.

Recently, she has been a visiting academic at the Faculty of Film Studies and Political Science at Aristotle University in Greece. She has also held positions as a senior scientific research fellow at various institutions around the globe, including her current work for the special research feminist group (2023) on “Never Waste a Crisis: Recurring Global Crisis and the Necessity of Feminist Political Economy” at the International Studies Association in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

She holds the position of an associate scientific delegate for philosophy of health and innovation at the National Institutes of Health in the USA. Her published work on aesthetics, intersectional humanism, intersectional feminism, feminist political theory, feminist political philosophy, and feminist economy has appeared in Radical Philosophy, Identities, and the Journal of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (Brill).

Anastasova is an active member of both the American Philosophical Association and the American Political Science Association, as well as the International Advisory Board for the Hypatia Journal of Feminist Philosophy. In 2021, she created and co-curated, alongside Bonnie Mann and Brooke Burns, the New Hypatia Feminist Documentary, Gathering Feminist Voices in Time of Covid-19.

She is the author of the philosophical books: Narrative Identities (2007) and Theory of Popular Culture: An Introduction to Cultural Studies (2012).